Saturday, December 29, 2007

Only in India?

To all those people who crib about cattle on the Indian streets, here's proof that this happens in the US too...

A couple of years ago, I was in New Mexico on a research project. On 11th Jan, 2005, having pretty much nothing else to do, I thought I'd check out the Very Large Array antennae. On the way, on this very straight NM-52 highway, there was this herd of cattle peacefully crossing the road. I had to stop and let them cross before going ahead.

So all those who say no such things happen in the US of A, better quit now.


Anonymous said...

Awesome!! now i have something to counter these firang's shocks!! I'm stealing your photo :D .. thanks

Ragu Kattinakere said...

wow i am flying! post a cowboy, a snake charmer or a joker on the steet too. ha ha. fun. i will steal your photo too.

Raghu Jana said...

steal by all means.... but please do send me a link to where u post the pic again

Anonymous said...

This is where the highway cuts through federal grazing grounds. Not much different than seeing deer on the highway. Unlike in India, cattle in the USA are not allowed to wander in cities and towns.

Anonymous said...

You would never find in an American city a scene such as this: